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Round Mountain Volunteer Fire Department serves North Blanco County, Texas. We are focused on saving lives, suppressing and controlling fires, and providing other services such as rescue, public fire education and other activities to protect the citizens of our community. Our goal is to reduce the number of fires and injuries in our community through education and prevention. Follow Us on Facebook here!
If you have any questions, would like to schedule a fire safety training or education session, or are interested in volunteering, please contact us.
Round Mountain VFD is actively seeking new members to join our dedicated team of volunteers. Whether you have experience or want to learn new skills, we offer training and support to help you serve our community. Watch our video (with sound on) to learn more about what we do and how you can make a difference! We need passionate individuals like YOU!
RMVFD....A busy year in review!! Here is our newest video.
Scroll thru our STAR Flight Blanco County Hangar Proposal
Download PDFRound Mountain Volunteer Fire Department
RMVFD P.O. Box 5 Round Mountain, TX 78663